Monday, 26 December 2011

Authorization object

Concept of authorization object

Actions and the access to data are protected by authorization objects in
the SAP system. Authorization objects allow complex checks that involve multiple
conditions that allow a user to perform an action. The conditions are
specified in authorization fields for the authorization objects and are AND
linked for the check. Authorization objects and their fields have descriptive
and technical names.

An authorization is always associated with exactly one authorization
object and contains the value for the fields for the authorization object.
An authorization is a permission to perform a certain action in the SAP
system. The action is defined on the basis of the values for the individual
fields of an authorization object.

A role is primarily a functional description
The technical realization of the role, in the form of concrete authorizations is achieved through the authorization profile associated with the role.

Composite profile

A set of profiles which are included under a single profile name is called as a composite profile (SU02)

Changing Authorization

By running the SU53 transaction.
Identify the authorization object where the required filed value is to be given and the do the same through SU01 or PFCG.

You can also create Custom authorization object

Sunday, 25 December 2011

SAP Number Range Object

Press the create button and fill in the number range object details screen, now press save. Read pop up message and click yes if happy with selected method of buffering.  In case if you want to have different number ranges based on a attribute, then you can include the data element of the attribute in the sub object column. For example if you want to generate the different serial numbers for company code you can maintain the data element BUKRS in the Data element for Sub objects

Concept of number Range 

A number range is a sequence of numbers with a start and an end. It also contains the current number that is being used. For example, when a sales document of type OR is being created, the number range lies between 1 and 199999. Also it is defined as an internal number range. So when a new sales order is being created, the user does not enter the sales order number when saving. Instead SAP automatically generates a sales order number in the system for our reference. Number ranges have two purposes. One is for the System to internally identify the sales order with a number for easy retrieval and management. The other is for the users to visually identify a document type just by looking at the number. For example, if orders of type OR have the number range mentioned above, and Quotes have a different number range – This makes it very easy for the user who is creating them to identify if the number is an order or a quotation.

Creating Custom number Range Object

The SAP transaction code SNRO allows you to create and maintain number ranges for use with you ABAP programs. Below shows you the simple steps required to create a number range. In-order to access the next number in the range from within your ABAP code simply call function module NUMBER_GET_NEXT with the relevant details. 

Step 1 - SAP number range transaction 
Execute tcode SNRO and enter a name for your new number range  

Step 2 - Number range object details 

Step 3 - Actual Number ranges 
Now press the 'Number Ranges' button to maintain intervals associated with this object. 

Step 4 - Number range interval(s) 
Press the change intervals button(pencil) to create a new interval and maintain any existing ones 

Step 5 - Add number range interval 
Press the + interval button to add a new number range to your object. 

Fill in appropriate details such as the from and to number, then Press the insert button (+) to add the interval to the number range object 

Step 6 - Created interval 
The number range interval should now have been added. Press save, read information message and then press the green tick. Your number range has now been created. 

Use function module NUMBER_GET_NEXT in your ABAP code to get next number in your number range