There may be some situations where you might need to develop the entire module in ABAP from scratch, This might be needed to address a Customer specific process which may not fit into any of the SAP Modules.
There are several aspects you might need to consider/Concentrate to fulfil the requirements. You might need to develop the entire module in module. The following are the critical items that you might need to concentrate. This might applicable for all the custom development. Some of the items
Requirement Gathering
- Basic Requirement - Discuss and Decide on the basic functionality that should be offered to the user.
- Interfacing Requirements with other modules - Decide on how to communicate with other module
- Reporting Requirement - Discuss and decide on all the reports that you might need to offer to the Users
- Output Requirements - Decide on the output requirement for the module
- Other Customer specific Requirement
Especially if the client is new to SAP you will have tough time in convincing them.
- Decide the data elements that should be used in the module
- Table Structure Design
- Screen Design
- Decide on the interfaces
- Design the Reports Structures
- Design the output
- Design of Workflows <if needed>
- Design of Configurable Items
- Number range objects
- Authorization Objects
- Change History
- Links to Master data
- Search helps for custom fields
- Data base locks
Things to Remember while Programming in ABAP
Introduction to ABAP