Wednesday, 30 November 2011

What is SPRO

S P R O as an acronym stands for SAP Project Reference Object. When you enter the transaction code SPRO on the command field of your SAP system, you’ll be directed automatically to the Customizing screen. On the customizing screen you’ll see all the customizing/configuration activities.

SPRO is use as short cut (transaction code) to access the IMG customizing screen. In the IMG customizing screen, you can display and access all the configuration activities to set-up SAP system to meet the specific needs and requirments of the client. It’s a single screen that provides a lot of flexibility in accessing the customizing transactions.

All the configuration  Setting for SAP R/3 Standard process will be done using the SPRO transaction Code.

As we have already discussed SAP is a table based configurable product, using the SPRO Transaction code you can change the configuration of the SAP.

SAP Landscapes

ASAP Implementation Methodology

Reason for SAP's Success

GuiXT Solution Suites

GuiXT Solution Suites

Streamline business processes, eliminate unnecessary fields, and consolidate screen tabs to achieve an optimized interface with GuiXT Desktop. Use this technology across an entire SAP system, as well as other components such as CRM, SCM, SRM, and PLM, and witness a fast return on investment, an increase in productivity, and a drastic cut in SAP training time.

Dramatically speed up ROI on SAP by minimizing risk, time, and dedicated resources with GuiXT Web UI. As a front-end solution that is already part of SAP GUI in SAP NetWeaver, Web UI is easily extended to your web environment, creating a user friendly interface that fits any organization's business processes.

Connect rapidly to the SAP Database without configuration to SAP, additional servers, or browser-based clients with GuiXT Mobile. GuiXT Mobile enables SAP GUI screens to be customized to fit on a mobile display (Pocket PC or Handheld Device with Windows CE), reducing the amount of time spent scrolling, navigating, and assimilating to SAP transactions on a mobile device that haven't been GuiXT'd.

Take the power of your SAP system out of the office and into the field with or without network connectivity with GuiXT Offline. When data is collected out of the network, the information can be stored on just about any device (Laptops, PDA's, Smart Phones, Pocket PC's, and Handheld Devices) and then uploaded to an organization's SAP system when access to a network becomes available.

Extend SAP connectivity securely, via iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, and Android, by providing a customized user interface that allows you to align specific business transactions to a user's specific roles and responsibilities with GuiXT Access. Runs natively on most smart devices. No need for additional back-end configuration.

Make changes to your SAP system via a computer mouse instead of manually writing GuiXT scripts with GuiXT Developer. Bundled into the SAP GUI environment, GuiXT increases user productivity and data integrity; eliminates errors and omissions; and dramatically reduces SAP related costs.

Our Script Templates are pre-configured GuiXT scripts that can be utilized in the most challenging areas of the SAP interface. Script Templates provide a huge advantage, enabling an organization to implement a proven and economical GuiXT solution that will deliver immediate and measurable results.

GuiXT WS Platform

The GuiXT WS Platform is a dynamic engine that continues Synactive's tradition of trend-setting with an agile and simple development technique. Supporting this technique is the Designer tool, which empowers users to create business applications that are extensible across multiple platforms. GuiXT WS accelerates customizations and extensions to SAP. It also propels changes in business processes while leveraging the latest IT innovations such as smart phones and cloud computing.

Included with all GuiXT WS product implementations, WS Office enables mass entry of data via Excel spreadsheets, uploading data from PDF forms, and spell check via MS Word. WS Office also includes error handling that will identify and flag any mistakes made by a user during the data entry process.


GuiXT is a client–server system that provides user interface customization to SAP solutions. While designed specifically for use with SAP software, and completely integrated with SAP, GuiXT solutions operate independently of SAP solutions. That enables firms to tailor “do-everything” SAP transaction screens to the narrower requirements of specific jobs within their organizations while leaving essential SAP coding untouched. The “hands-off” design simplifies development and testing significantly. GuiXT Solutions users report greatly improved productivity and accuracy while, at the same time, reducing training and support costs.
GuiXT Solutions are offered by Synactive, Inc., a US firm headquartered in Foster City, California.

All of the GuiXT Solutions share a common technology, so solutions are easy to port from one delivery channel to others. Being an SAP Partner these solutions are already built into SAP and no changes are necessary when upgrading SAP versions.

Applications of GuiXT Solutions include simplifying material creation to one click, combining notifications and work order into a single transaction, Wi-Fi enables a plant so that plant workers can get access to SAP anywhere, minimizing or eliminating user training on SAP.

 The GuiXT WS Platform is a dynamic engine that continues Synactive's tradition of trend-setting with an agile and simple development technique. Supporting this technique is the Designer tool, which empowers users to create business applications that are extensible across multiple platforms. GuiXT WS accelerates customizations and extensions to SAP. It also propels changes in business processes while leveraging the latest IT innovations such as smart phones and cloud computing.

Technology: Flexible and Extendable

  • Composed of a number of building blocks, each leveraging what works best
  • Simple, extendable scripts are reusable
  • Recycle the same structure and process on the SAP GUI Desktop or the latest smart phone
  • Extensions to the web no longer have to be done from scratch
  • Complicated business logic already inside SAP no longer has to be recreated
  • Creation of a simple unified stack maximizes flexibility and extendibility

Development: Agile and Simple

  • Exploit rapid iterative approach to building business solutions on SAP
  • Utilize simple scripting to collaborate with end users, allowing for immediate responses to request and business processes changes
  • No compile steps, no low level language, such as Java, and no complicated APIs, such as WebDynpro


As the foundation for our solution suites, the GuiXT WS Platform enables a rapid iterative approach to building business solutions on SAP.

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